
ABB 266 差压变送器
ABB 266 Differential Pressure Transmitters
ABB 266 差压变送器

Product Description
ABB 266DDH 差压变送器 Direct-mount seal transmitter
ABB 266DHH 差压变送器 Integral flange transmitter designed for clean fluids measurements
ABB 266DLH 差压变送器 Special model for interface level measurements
ABB 266DRH 差压变送器 Remote-seal-equipped transmitter
ABB 266DSH 差压变送器 Standard DP-Style transmitter, the basic and best-selling model
ABB 266MDT 差压变送器 Direct-mount seal transmitter. High static capability and top performance
ABB 266MRH 差压变送器 Remote-seal-equipped transmitter. High static capability and top performance
ABB 266MRT 差压变送器 Remote-seal-equipped transmitter. High static capability
ABB 266MSH 差压变送器 Transmitter for high static measurements
ABB 266MST 差压变送器 Top performance transmitter with high static resistance

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